Friday, October 21, 2011

What are your FIVE?

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2 NIV

I am inspired by this verse so much. For years, I have been caught in a whirlwind of “keeping up with the Joneses” and being “out”. I am evolving. My so-called friends are not. Now I find that I am becoming quite picky about the company that I keep. So much so, that I find myself sitting at home, alone, most nights of the week.

During a recent conversation with my father, I discovered the reason for my reclusiveness mostly stems from a lack of intellectual conversations. Because I am changing, I am starting to recognize how different I am from my “friends”. I have been choosing to stay home, mostly, because I am tired of having superficial, surface-level discussions about nails, clothes, and men, (whom are less than desirable anti-monogamous types, anyway.)

Now I understand these types of conversations are normal for most women, and I am sure I will again have another conversation as such. However, I find that I have been surrounding myself with these self-absorbed types who actually do not even know how to talk about anything other than things pertaining to shallow topics and money, most of them equating worth with a monetary definition.

I long for more mental stimulation. I desire to be challenged in thought. I want to be left wondering.

While we were talking, my father asked me, “If you could talk about any five subjects, what would they be?"

I had just had a conversation with Noemy about looking internally to answer some questions about myself. Quickly, I thought of four subjects: God, Music/Arts, Animals/Dogs, and Travel. After each topic, we talked a little bit about why they were interesting topics for me. I struggled to find a fifth subject. This sparked an internal struggle. I really must not know who I am if I cannot think of five things that I like to talk about.

With all this said, I am on a self-discovery quest to find the fifth subject. I have bought two self-help books to read before our trip to Kenya about discovering who you are. I have started therapy to peel away some layers so I can see what is really inside me. I have also purchased two journals, in which I plan to write in while we are in Kenya.

I am going to find that fifth subject. Kenya will help me find it.

Do you know who you are? Our team is setting off to Kenya in less than four weeks; I am challenging everyone to answer this question: What five subjects do you like to talk about? Tell us all, if you are comfortable.


Ashley S.

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