Friday, October 28, 2011

One Christian's Harsh Realization

My name is Chris Sklar and I am extremely excited as God has put my trip to Kenya in my heart.  Let me start by saying that this is a blog and we have been asked to post our feelings leading up to and on our trip.  As all reality TV shows now state "These are only my feelings and do not constitute the struggles or feelings of others at Cumberland or also attending this trip."  Now that is out of the way...

I was discussing the excitement of this trip with my wife, and talked about the sickness and poverty of those we are going to visit.  The fact that most of these families have so very little but I am excited to talk with those who know the Lord and also excited to share God's word with those that will listen.  Through all of my excitement I reached a chilling realization within myself.  Why is it that I am so eager to serve in Kenya when we have similar opportunities to share God's word in North America, the US, Georgia and even down to Smyrna?  Why have I never made it a priority to share the word with the sick and poverty stricken people in my area? 

I will admit that I do not have the answers but I do feel God's plan at work within me.  The best way for me to describe this plan would be to think about how you would deal with a young child.  There are situations that you bring up, such as the old favorite "If they jumped off of a bridge would you?"  In my opinion, this is put in place for one purpose. Realization!  This is meant for you to realize that you thinking that you have to follow suit is silly and not as viable as you once thought.  Well this trip to Kenya has done something very similar.  So to all of you who take the time to read this I ask you..."Will you jump off the bridge with me?"  Every year CCC discusses the Kenya trip details and the excitement is spread throughout the walls of the church.  People have the desire to go, but do not have the time or financial capabilities to commit.  It is to those people I ask to just look at this as God has done for me.  Why not here?  Why not now?

-Chris S.

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