Beat the Drum Village




"I created the film BEAT THE DRUM to help give a voice to the voiceless -- to the millions innocent AIDS orphans in Africa," said David McBrayer, the writer and producer of the award-winning movie. "When there is a tear in the human fabric we should all feel it. We are all part of the family of God."

Released in over 130 countries, BEAT THE DRUM has helped to bring awareness about the needs of the children of Africa to a worldwide audience. Winner of over thirty international awards, BEAT THE DRUM tells the story of a young Zulu boy, Musa, who is orphaned after a mysterious "curse" strikes his village. To help his grandmother, Musa sets out for Johannesburg with his father's last gift, a handmade tribal drum, in search of work and his uncle. While on his journey, he is confronted with the stark realities of urban life, but his spirit never wavers. He later returns to his village with a truth and understanding his elders have failed to grasp – that the "curse" that is killing their people is in fact AIDS, a disease that can be prevented. After bringing the truth to his village, Musa is rescued from the streets and given the opportunity to live in a home for orphaned children in Johannesburg.

"My inspiration for BEAT THE DRUM began when I was visiting Kenya and saw, firsthand, how the street kids and orphans from AIDS were suffering,” said McBrayer. “Those images stuck with me and I drew upon them to write a story that would show the situation as it really is, without judgment, and still give hope."

Due to the efforts of the film’s producers, Kimmel International, and President of Entertainment in Motion Bill Grant, a portion of the proceeds from the film's domestic and international airlines sales provided the resources to buy the land and initiate the project that would become Beat the Drum Village.

“It's amazing how these same kids, who were sick and near death, are now happy and thriving, " said McBrayer. "You can see it on their smiling faces. Instead of living on the street, they have a safe, nurturing home, healthy food, and medicine that is critical to their survival.”

HIV/AIDS has left millions of children in Kenya and throughout Africa without a family. But unlike Musa from BEAT THE DRUM, not all of them have found a safe, nurturing home as he eventually did.

Please help continue what my father David McBrayer and BEAT THE DRUM started, by giving not only a voice to the voiceless but a home to the homeless. While we may not be able to save them all, with your generous support we can give many a chance to survive.

Let’s build a village together.


Each house at Beat the Drum Village houses 5 children and their caretaker. Unlike typical dormitory-style orphanages, Beat the Drum Village offers a true home environment for children living with HIV/AIDS.

There are currently 3 homes in Beat the Drum Village, housing 15 children. The first house was completed in 2007, the second home in 2008 and the third home in May 2009. In total, Beat the Drum Village has the capacity to support 10 homes housing 50 children who otherwise would have no home.

The goals of our effort are to generate awareness about this special village and raise money which will be used to:

Build the remaining 7 homes;
Provide ongoing support for all 50 children including food, clothing, education and medical care; and
Provide a modest salary for their caretakers

The day-to-day operations of Beat the Drum Village are managed by Glory Outreach Assembly (GOA-Kenya); a Kenyan based Christian nonprofit organization committed to improving the quality of life of those at greatest risk in their communities, especially vulnerable children, the homeless and those impacted by HIV/AIDS. Funds are provided to GOA-Kenya through its US affiliate, GOA-US, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Please join our efforts! Make a donation today and spread the word to your friends and family encouraging them to give.


- Stacy Troubh, daughter of David McBrayer