Sunday, September 25, 2011

We Are One

Something special has happened.

Earlier this afternoon, over a dozen individuals gathered in the Loft at Cumberland Community Church.  We came as athletes, pastors, children, teens, painters, singers, musicians, doctors, business professionals, and most importantly, as believers.

But we changed today.  We have taken our spiritual gifts and become one.  We are no longer individuals.  We have become one heart and mind.  We will serve as a team.  As disciples of God, we are brothers and sisters, and that is the model we will present to the people we serve.  As God's hands and feet, we are Kenya bound.  The date: November 17, 2011.

To learn more about how you can help us in our mission, please contact the Kenya Mission Trip Team Leader, Rob Irvine.

Stay tuned to our blog for updates from each team member.

We look forward to sharing our journey with you!

-Ashley Serrano

John 17

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