Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Be prepared for the attack ... it always comes when you don't expect it!

This past weekend was difficult one for me. I was in a car accident, and three hours later there was a pit bull attack 20 feet from my front door. That night/next morning, I was awakened and prompted by God to pray (4:00 is His normal call time).  To my surprise, this time He spoke that I was the one that needed prayer and that I needed coverage from as many as possible. In response to my prayer request I received the following (in pertinent part):

Satan is on the prowl and is going to attack.  He's a butthead (I did have a worse word but I'll keep this PG), a manipulator, a deceiver and ruiner of all good things....He sucketh much!

In Eph.6:10 Paul writes, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”
v. 10, it says “in the Lord and in his mighty power.” “In the Lord” means “in union with the Lord.” “To be strong in union with the Lord,” means “to receive spiritual strength from the Lord in our battle with Satan.” “His mighty power” refers to all God’s omnipotent and infinite power that He possesses. Power is one thing - Authority is another!  Together they are UNCONQUERABLE!!

God has unlimited power, Satan has limited power. God’s might is infinite. In Job 42:2, Job says, “I know that you can do anything and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you. Eph.6:11 “Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the wiles of the devil.” “Stand firm” means just that, we are to stand firm and we CAN stand firm. That is the whole purpose of the armor. This is what God wants us to do when Satan attacks. God wants us not to fall, not to give into temptation, but to stand firm in what we believe and in doing what we know to be right. We are to stand firm for Jesus Christ. One last reminder... DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE LIONS ROAR- THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE! No need to stand with our Armor with our knees knockin', shield shaking and helmet swaying on our heads! We have a sharp two-edged sword and a walkie talkie (prayer)!

We have to be in constant prayer. We need His protection, while we prepare for our trip, during, and when we get back. Take time each day to pray!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Mission trip is only 7 weeks away!

Sunday afternoon the Kenya Team sat together and prayed and discussed our mission (seven weeks away). Although our team is a bit smaller because not everyone was able to rearrange their schedule with the new travel dates, it is a great team. I left the meeting inspired and reconnected to the team. I am so excited and thankful for this opportunity.

There are two things that the team needs:
First and foremost, we need your PRAYERS! Please email noemy.clayborn@gmail.com if you intend to support the team with prayer. I will add you to the list that will receive the day-to-day itinerary and specific prayer requests for each day of our mission.
Secondarily, we are asking that you consider supporting the team financially. Your financial support would be appreciated by us...and ultimately by the widows and orphans we will be serving. 

If you feel led, please write you check to “Cumberland Community Church” (for tax purposes) and write Kenya in the memo section and mail it to 3110 Sports Avenue, Smyrna, GA 30080, Attention: Rob Irvine.

Thank you for supporting our team in any way you feel led.
